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Book a Session with Brooke

Available Sessions

Chakra Assessment via Zoom

30 minutes


Do you have a sense that your chakras are not fully functioning or your energy isn't flowing through your system as well as it could?

Have you taken my Chakra Assessment but aren't sure what it means and what to do now?

(If you haven't taken the Chakra Activation Yoga Chakra Assessment yet, go here.)

Schedule a Chakra Assessment Evaluation Session!


30 minute Zoom Session to review your Chakra Assessment and discuss recommendations and resources.

Chakra Support Sessions via Zoom

55 minutes

Do you have specific physical, emotional, or energetic health issues to address and wellness goals you want to achieve? 

Do you want support in refining and reaching them? 

Do you need more accountability and encouragement in your yoga practice? 

Do you want a confidential space to share with a trusted guide and ask questions of an experienced teacher?

Do you want a personalized and customized Chakra Activation Yoga program for your specific needs at this time? 

My Chakra Support Sessions are just for you!

For over 15 years I've helped hundreds of students and clients to feel better and brighter by discovering and activating these powerful and empowering chakra energies within themselves.

In my Chakra Support Sessions I provide both Chakra Coaching and Chakra Healing. 

What's the difference?  

If you want someone to guide you on this chakra activating journey, assess where you need to focus your attention and energy at this time, and cheer you on as you accomplish your goals of wellness and self discovery, I'm here for you as a Chakra Coach. 

If you have a specific physical/emotional/energetic issue(s) that you are ready to unravel and resolve, I'm here to privately support you on your Chakra Healing journey as you access All-You-Are! 

Either way, the results are phenomenal!

Get ready to heal and shine!

Chakra Tune-Up/ Vibrational Re-Patterning Session (In-Person/ In Pittsburgh only)

70 minutes

The thoughts we think and the behavioral patterns we have developed in order to cope and survive in circumstances from our past may no longer be serving us in the present/ different circumstances.

In fact, they are likely vibrationally interfering with us being physically, emotional and energetically receptive, responsive and resilient.

Over the past 15 years of having a private sound healing practice I've developed effective diagnostic and treatment protocols for identifying and clearing these interference patterns. In these private sessions I use Pythagorean tuned tuning forks and work consciously with the unison, harmony and octave intervals.

If you are in the Pittsburgh area, I hope you'll come in for a session and experience it for yourself.  

In these sessions you will experience specific frequencies and sound healing techniques to support and clear the vibrational field. 

For ENERGY CLEARING I work with the UNISON interval. The energy field is cleared of a layer of non-resonant frequencies/ interference patterns and at the same time fortified with a sense of vibrational definition.

This treatment is advised for:

*strengthening the Root (1st) Chakra/ a healthy sense of “ I AM PRESENT”

*clearing the energy field from accumulated vibrational “yuk”/

*releasing trauma

For ENERGY HARMONIZING I work with the HARMONY C-G interval, (256/384 cps) the revered harmony of harmonies, the “Pythagorean 5th”. This sonic experience reveals harmony and harmonious, non-interfering relationship.  It is a sonic balm for soothing and releasing patterns of internal and external conflict. 

This treatment is advised for:

*healing and strengthening the Sacral (2nd) Chakra & Heart (4th) Chakra

*an ability to harmonize/ a belief that harmony is possible

*calming the nervous system

For ENERGY OCTAVE ACTIVATION I work with the OCTAVE interval. This sonic experience reveals the possibility of “finding the octave” in a situation, “taking the higher road” so to speak and maintaining your highest frequency, your light and divinity, when your own thoughts, others around you, or a situation might be bringing you down.

This treatment is advised for:

*encouraging energy into the Heart, Throat, Third-Eye and Crown Chakra,

*support in weaning from unhealthy, addictive thoughts or family patterns and activities.

Full-Spectrum Sonic Chakra Tune-Up

1 hour 30 minutes

Hearing and feeling and replenishing the vibrational field with each of the chakra frequencies in the Pythagorean octave/ spectrum in order to experience/remember your brightest and most brilliant self!

This is a fabulous full-spectrum session!

Please contact to schedule.

Private Chakra Activation Yoga Series

$250 per session x 7 sessions
2 hours

It's time to IGNITE THE LIGHT!

In this series of 7 personalized Chakra Activation Yoga Sessions we move from Root Chakra (Session 1) to Crown Chakra (Session 7)

and dive deeply into one particular chakra per session.

Clients learn and practice specific Chakra Activation Yoga tools and techniques of pranayama (breathing), asana (physical postures), kriyas (physical actions) and mantras ( sound/though forms) to experience, energize, and explore that chakra.

These Chakra Activation Yoga Sessions can also be combined with a Sound Healing component (crystal bowls, tuning forks) and/ or incorporate Restorative Yoga poses and Essential Oils. ***

Treatment room can accommodate 2 people per session.

Each Chakra Activation Session is 2 hours long.

Please contact to schedule.

Private Chakra Activation Yoga Session

1 hour

Chakra Activation Yoga is a unique fusion of classic, static hatha asanas and rhythmic, dynamic kundalini kriyas, aimed to awaken, explore, and balance the physical, metaphysical, emotional, psychological, energetic, and vibrational elements of each of the 7 chakra-energy centers.

Brooke has 25 years of yoga teaching experience; she is a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher and an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher and Continuing Education Provider with Yoga Alliance.

Private Restorative Yoga & Sound Healing Session***

55 minutes

In these sessions clients*** are gently assisted into simple, aligned and supported (via blankets, bolsters, and other props) restorative yoga poses and linger there for longer duration (5-10 minutes per pose) WHILE hearing and feeling the visceral vibrations and unison, harmony, and octave intervals of quartz crystal singing bowls and tuning forks to ease chronic stress and allow deep relaxation.

Essential oil aromatherapy may be used as well upon request.

*** Treatment room can accommodate 1-3 people for this session.

I can come to your location as well, but price will be adjusted.

Please contact to schedule.

Private/Semi-Private Sound Bath

55 minutes

Immerse yourself*** in the healing vibrations of multiple Pythagorean tuned quartz crystal singing bowls.

Let every watery cell of your being come into harmony!

Relax completely.


*** The treatment room can accommodate 1-3 people for this session.

I can come to your location as well, but price will be adjusted.

Please contact to schedule.

Wedding Water Ceremony

Price Varies
1 hour

"a truly unique addition to a wedding ceremony..."

Pure water is sonically enhanced with beautiful and harmonious tones of the quartz crystal bowls,

infused with the sacred vows and joyful vibrations of your ceremony,

served to family and friends present

and preserved beautifully for you two to partake of on your first anniversary,

or whenever a "vibrational boost"/ memory of your wedding day is ever needed!

Duration and pricing varies.

Please inquire to for details...

Still Have Questions?

Do you have a specific physical or emotional condition and you are wondering if any of these sessions above can help? Let me know....

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Gift Certificates available!

Give the gift of physical, mental, emotional and vibrational well-being to someone you love!

Purchase a Certificate
When we experience physical, emotional, mental, or energetic stress or trauma, any one of our chakra energy centers can become imbalanced or depleted, compromising the full spectrum functioning of our energy system.  

These one-on-one sessions are designed with the intention to "IGNITE YOUR LIGHT" and bring your physical body and your energy body back into balance and optimal functioning so that you can radiate your “full spectrum self”.

What Clients Say

Denise M.
Pittsburgh, PA
Brooke is a healing life force!    My work with Brooke over the past several years has included private sessions, Chakra Activation Yoga, kirtan , and sound baths.   With the work I've done with Brooke,  I have been able to release energy from the past and have developed a stronger sense of myself.   Brooke is uplifting and inspiring!
Felicia Savage Friedman, 500 hr E-RYT
AntiRacist Raja Yoga Teacher/Trainer
YogaRoots On Location,LLC, 200 RYS, YACEP
Brooke has brought her Chakra Activation Yoga to several flights of my YogaRoots On Location’s AntiRacist Raja Yoga Teacher Trainings since 2016. She teaches with joy and is a wellspring of information on the chakras. Brooke’s eclectic teaching style facilitates an accessible and relatable yoga experience for many of my students as well as other community yoga practitioners.  Through the years, many yogis have shared with me their personal and profound experiences with Brooke’s Chakra Activation Yoga expertise.
Rachael S.
Chakra Activation Yoga Teacher/Chakra Activation Yoga Student
My dive into the chakra system had been a long time coming, and my personal studying and researching couldn't hold a candle next to the depth and light that Brooke brings to this topic. She keeps it real and teaches you the practical applications and tools you can use in your life right now!! My personal practice continues to be inspired by Brooke's teachings which brings even more joy to sharing these methods with my students.
Elizabeth Gatons-Clement
Pittsburgh, PA
“For decades I had been misdiagnosed as depressed, then finally correctly diagnosed with PTSD. My work with Brooke has been life changing. Period.
It’s not always comfortable, but energy shifting.
Healing is hard work, but, when done with a loving, knowledgeable, mindful and compassionate healer it is transformative.
You will love Brooke too, and the gifts she has developed and generously shares. Let her be your blessing too.”